Matias Creimer
M.Arch II, UCLA '96
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Framing Camp 2003. Pasadena City College

Pasadena City College
Spring 2003

This is the work produced in a class that I taught at PCC on Materials and Methods. Students were required to work in groups of 3 to produce a wooden structure that reflected the content of the lectures.
I encouraged them to build whatever they wanted but build it according to Type V framing standards.

The work was published in JAE in Nov '06.

Click to download JAE's paper

Qasen Bauoni
Cassia, Carla
Castro, Lilliana
Charkchyan, Diana
Chen, Daphne
Fajardo, Jamieson
Flores, Eduardo
Guiragozian, Aram
Huang, Jian
Hung, In Yui Jeffrey
Ko, Liao
Li, Marco
Mallery, Michael
Ng, Mark
Quintero, Elisabeth
Shirvanian, Seroj
Stemke, Scott
Thaengthong, Phichai Steve
Tun, Myo
Wang, Chu Yuan Justin
Wang, Liruo Liza
Witarsa, Ian
Zepeda, Juan

Thanks to Coleman Griffith, Peter de Maria, Robert Navarro, Richard Wheeler, John Sparano, Ann Mooney, Jason Spohr, Fred Johnson, Ted James and Phu Nguyen from PCC.
Thanks to guest jurors Jeanine Centuori, Alex Suarez, Tomohisa Miyauchi and Neiel Norheim.


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